
NEW BOOK: What Are You Building by Jenny Taylor

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Journey Creatively, LLC, comes alongside leaders, teams, companies, and churches to enable them to become better in leading, group effectiveness, company profits, and grow the church community. A person’s life is not remembered by the number successes they had, but the integrity and character they developed during their journey. There are a plethora of leadership books and yet the number of great leaders is still minimal in comparison. WHY?
We believe it is because people want to improve, but lack the accountability and strategy for implementation prevents individuals establishing true change. Additionally, learning to be creative while on your journey is crucial. Therefore, we provide marketing and website development services to drive your message to your target audience. Journey Creatively focuses on partnering with clients in three ways: facilitating change using the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method, giving inspirational leadership talks, and incorporating creative marketing and website strategies. Check out these key options below: